At IBC 2013 this month BroaMan will announce new software for the control and monitoring of all BroaMan units.
Developed from the Optocore Control software 2.21 the new BroaMan software will function with all Optocore devices and is compatible with features well known from that control platform. These include audio matrix, level control / monitoring, network supervision, storage and recall of the configuration set-up to/from PC hard disk, as well as the real-time level display of the individual channels.
In addition, BroaMan has added a routing control for video devices as well as RS-485/RS-422, GPIO and sync settings.
As a result, the user can monitor any single video channel, with software read-outs of power received and transmitted, affecting every fibre transceiver inside the device; it will also display cable length and video signal format.
At IBC2013, BroaMan will be demonstrating the control via Macros triggered by MIDI — showing the ease with which the user can record and recall different setups.
The company has announced that it will also be pleased to demonstrate the new software, together with an entire system introduction, at the customer’s premises.