BroaMan Reports Positive Reaction to 12G Version of Popular Mux22 Multiplexer

We quickly found we had hit the right note when we unveiled the new 12G version of our popular Mux22 fiber multiplexer for the first time at the recent IBC2022 in Amsterdam. In the era of 4K resolution, this is a dynamic response to customers’ requests for 12G transmission, from a device that supports every signal used in the professional world.

Our Marketing Coordinator, Kamil Zajdel, confirmed the high degree of interest in the new 12G option from visitors to their booth. “People from around the world are now seeing this as the new standard to come, and for many it is already in use. Therefore, adding this feature to a powerful device such as Mux22 is great news for studios, OB Van users and so on.”

In addition, we fielded many inquiries from studio technicians who have adopted new technologies which have evolved during the pandemic, such as such as XR and AR capabilities. “They were looking for professional solutions that they know they can rely on,” he said.

Summarising the impact of IBC, Kamil concluded, “Even though our stand was much smaller than previous years, IBC was a success. Everyone was happy that we could meet each other again and we met a lot of old friends and new visitors alike.

“One thing we noticed was that there is now a larger percentage of visitors who are focused on their precise requirements, as they had time during lockdown to educate themselves regarding new technologies.”

It was evident that the live market environment was starting to re-emerge again after lockdown, he concluded. “Consequently new investments are being planned, and this gives us cause for optimism that the industry will soon return to its previous healthy state—or possibly an even better one.”